Sunday, August 23rd
Prophet Springs (MP222) to Whirlpool Canyon (MP557)
Ok… so here it is Sunday and we are still heading north on the Alaskan Highway. We spent the night around Milepost (MP) 250 and headed out with an actual goal today! We were heading for Liard Hot Springs a mere couple hours drive away. The road keeps changing from dirt to gravel back to asphalt back to dirt into asphalt and once again gravel… and then doing it all over again. Kinda keeps you on your toes when you’re driving. The visitor’s guide to Canada states “don’t be afraid to drive on the best part of the road.” So far, I think it’s about 50/50 as to which side of the road we are driving on…
We keep one eye on the road and the other eye along the road looking for that every-evasive Moose. We did manage to see a Porcupine scurrying off the road into the shrubs… and a couple Stone Sheep lounging along the road. Then, as we came around a bend in the road… there’s this adolescent Caribou just taking his morning jog down the middle of the road! He is just lumbering along in his awkward manner about 20 feet in front of the truck… and he wouldn’t move out of the way. Sure, he would look left and then right like he was going to get off the road and do some trail running but he just stayed right there in our lane. It was pretty cool seeing him there so we just drafted him for a while until he had enough running on the asphalt and got off to the shoulder. We just sat there laughing at the whole thing not quite believing what we just saw. It must have been that day when all the teenage Caribou skip the weekly herd meeting as we had just got back up to speed when we came across another one just off the side of the road trying to figure out how to get across the guardrail. Next turn and there’s a whole group of mamas and their little ones. NOW we’re talking! We were getting all excited about the wildlife and talking about how different it is to have Moose, Caribou, Sheep, Grizzlies, Wolves and the like as your everyday local animals.
We pulled into Liard Hot Springs about 4:30pm all giddy from the drive and decided to soak then go and get a few more miles behind us before dark. These hot springs are back in the woods and you access them via a boardwalk built over the wetlands. The walk back was beautiful and we read a couple information boards along the way. It turns out that due to the microclimate created by the hot springs there are 14 varieties of Orchids living there. It was like a tropical forest really….(boreal, actually) The springs were semi-improved with stairs into the water and benches in and around it with just a small changing room. The water came out of the ground at like 136*F and fell down this nice waterfall into the main pool where it mixed with ground water to cool it down nicely. You could get in at one end where the water was like 104*F and slowly work your way towards to hot end… and get this… it was too hot even for Susan! Not THAT’s saying a lot about how hot it was. The water fell over another falls into a cooler pool which was more my temperature. We hung out there for about an hour and a half… some of which was spent helping a lady try and find her wedding ring that had come off in the water… bummer… no luck.
So… north we go again… this time with a warning to watch out for the Buffalo. Buffalo?... if you say so. It was about 6:30 and we did want to be off the road by dark so we had a target of Whirlpool Canyon about 50 miles ahead. All refreshed, we headed out… road was good, weather was clear and traffic was non-existent. Much to our amazement, it didn’t take us too long to come upon a Buffalo lying down on the hillside along the road. He was beautiful… just hanging out there. We were still excited about our Buffalo sighting when we went around a bend and came upon an entire herd of Buffalo taking up the entire road! There were probably 50 or 60 of them there… from little calves to the Big Daddy Pappa Grand Puba Bull! In fact, Mister Puba was walking right towards us and not looking like he was going to change his course. We had pulled over to the side of the road and stopped and just sat there watching Daddy come at us and at this point Susan says, “maybe we should go.” But I couldn’t go anywhere with that many Buffalo around and Puba polishing our front fender. He came walking right beside the truck… Susan’s window open… his shoulder almost touching our mirror and his shoulder higher than Susan’s head! Absolutely amazing! We just sat there in awe of the size and beauty of these animals as the big ones walked slowly by and the little ones ran and hid behind their mothers. Simply incredible… no other way to describe it. We did manage to get a couple blurry pictures.
The last couple miles to our camp were filled with “did you see that?” and “Holy #%&#!”. We made it to Whirlpool and backed into a spot…
But that’s another story……